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About Us

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We were born in the midst of one of the biggest global crises in 2008, the market needed   a new vision and transformation in consumption chains. Dissatisfied with the conventional conduct and operating mode, Douglas Franchin initiated a   new format of understanding the production chains, founded PRODUBOR CO.® which designated that it would only use materials already used by the industry, materials that were already in their disposal phase, but that it understood its great potential not yet taken advantage of and in the city of Novo Hamburgo/RS, the small industry started recycling and replacing in the footwear market the by-products that had already ended their process.

It's already been 14 years with PRODUBOR CO.® and 7 years with SAVE, to mark this outstanding milestone in our business, we are setting up a new complex, now with the two closest businesses in a modern, spacious structure with the capacity to become the largest in its segment in Latin America. NEW PRODUBOR, moves to the city of São Leopoldo/RS, a reference city in the industrial driving force.

A story where sustainability came first. 

Our story

2013 to 2015

Produbor CO, in its first 5 years of life, focused on the manufacture of rubber compounds, grew and reached a level where only 5% of Brazilian companies manage to conquer in such a short time of history. In 2015, facing a new global crisis, Produbor CO became a reference in the sustainable rubber segment in Brazil. 

2015 to 2017

In the midst of a trip to Europe, Douglas Franch in London decided that Produbor's mission would also be to bring sustainability to the BXC and so he founded Save the Forest as a reference manufacturer of sustainable sneakers. 
In 2017, our São Paulo Unit was inaugurated, with the aim of serving the entire Brazilian territory more quickly.

2017 to 2019

Already present in the world market, in 2019, Save Shoes is born, a manufacturer of sustainable components for the footwear market, with emphasis on rubber from the Amazon with fair trade traceability. 

2020 and 2021

With the onset of the biggest global crisis, the COVID 19 pandemic, we restructured all our processes, did not fire any employees and adjusted our factories according to global health protocols.

At that time, we inaugurated another Produbor brand, Produtires, which sold parts and solid tires.


With the economy already heating up again, we opened Save SP, our first rubber reprocessing factory in São Paulo, increasing production capacities with yet another modern unit and model for our segment. In this year, 2022, Produbor CO has already been 14 years old and Save has been 7 years old, making references in their segments and with huge plans for the future.


This year we moved to our new complex, with the capacity to become the largest in its segment in Latin America. We created New Produbor, in São Leopoldo, this new unit has a modern R&D laboratory, Save The Forest creation center and over 20 thousand square meters of green area.   

Empresas do Grupo

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Whats to +55 (51) 99733-7398 in RS
Call +55 (11) 2967-3040 in SP
Call +55 (
51) 3498-2293 in RS

São Leopoldo/RS - Brazil

São Paulo/SP - Brazil

London/UK - England

Koln - Germany

It will be an honor to have you in our Sustainable Community

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